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    Animal-based drug efficacy evalsuation

    Animal-based drug efficacy evalsuation

      Relying on the six technical service platforms of molecules, proteins, antibodies, pathology, cells and animals, Topbiotech can complete the main pharmacodynamics and general pharmacology of drugs for various diseases such as tumor, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system and reproductive system.



                              l  Determine whether the test drug has curative effect;
    l  Clarify the action characteristics of the tested drug;
                              l  Reveal the possible mechanism.


    l  Tested drug: stability, solubility, purity, preparation excipients;
    l  Experimental index: drug sensitivity;
    l  Administration method: intragastric / intravenous / subcutaneous / intraperitoneal, etc.


     l  Effectiveness on different models;
     l  Effective dose range;
    l  Optimal administration period;
    l  Onset time and efficacy maintenance time;
    l Characteristics of action compared with positive drugs;
    l  Research on action mechanism.