
Digestive system disease model

Digestive system disease model


Modeling approach

Animal strains


Oral ulcer

Induced by chemical cauterization

SD/Wistar   rat

Observation   of the morphological and area of ulcer surface

immune-induced method

SD/Wistar   rat

Liver   disease

CCl4 induced liver fibrosis

SD/Wistar   rat

Detect Serum biochemical markers and   histopathology, steatosis, significant fibrous septum formation in the portal   area

Acute liver injury model induced by D-Gal   combined with LPS

SD/Wistar   rat

C57BL/6 mouse

Histological examination of livers identified   hepatocyte necrosis with an influx of inflammatory cells; leukocyte   infiltration and MPO increased; the activities of AST and ALT in serum   increased ;TNF-α increased

Concanavalin A- induced Hepatitis Model

C57BL/6 mouse

BALB/c mouse

AST, ALT, TNF-α, IFN-γ increased; Histopathology   analysis of liver leukocytes infiltration; Hepatic necrosis and liver fibrosis

Bile duct ligation (BDL)

SD/Wistar   rat

Detect Serum biochemical markers and   histopathology, pseudolobule formation

Alcohol-induced cirrhosis

SD/Wistar   rat

Stomach disease

Acetic acid-induced gastric ulcer

SD/Wistar   rat

ulcer degree, inflammatory cytokines, gastric   histopathology analysis

Gastric adenocarcinoma induced by MNNG combined   with ranitidine

Helicobacter pylori infection induces gastritis

C57BL/6   mouse BALB/c mouse

Serum   inflammatory factor analysis, gastric   histopathological analysis, helicobacter pylori detection


Diarrhea induced by senna leaf

SD/Wistar   rat

Diarrhea rate and diarrhea index

Ulcerative colitis

TNBS induced ulcerative colitis

SD/Wistar   rat

Body   weight changes, colonic histopathological analysis, presence or absence of   hematocele

DSS induced ulcerative colitis

SD/Wistar   rat

Colorectal cancer

AOM-DSS induced inflammatory colorectal   cancer

C57BL/6 mouse BALB/c mouse

Observe   for the presence of a colonic tubular adenoma


retrograde injection of sodium taurocholate   into the pancreaticbile duct

SD/Wistar   rat

The   serum levels of lipase and amylase increased; Interstitial   edema, necrosis of acinar cells and infiltration of inflammatory

cells in   pancreatic tissue

TOPBIOTECH   can provide customized animal disease model services according to customers'   requirements

Case analysis   Bile duct ligation rat model

 In the liver, the experimental obstruction of the extrahepatic biliary system initiates a complex cascade of pathological events that leads to cholestasis and inflammation resulting in a strong fibrotic reaction originating from the periportal fields. Therefore, surgical ligation of the common bile duct has become the most commonly used model to induce obstructive cholestatic injury in rodents and to study the molecular and cellular events that underlie these pathophysiological mechanisms. Both cannulation/obstruction and ligation induced a high yield of cirrhosis in rats with morphological changes that were comparable to those observed in human biliary cirrhosis.

Experimental animal information

Name   of animal model

Bile duct ligation rat model

Species and strains of animal

SD/Wistar   rat

Gender of animal

Age of animal


Weight of animal



The levels of ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL in serum were significantly increased, the livers of animals that received BDL show architectural alterations that are mainly characterized by the formation of edema and fibrotic nodules on the surface of corresponding livers and hydrops of the gall bladder that is filled with large quantities of bile.

Partial surgical process display
