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  • Introduction: closed group rats are the earliest, most widely used and most numerous experimental animal species introduced in China. They have fast growth and good breeding performance.
  • SCID mice are derived from autosomal recessive mutation (SCID). In 1980, Bosma found the mutation in c.b-17/lcr mice raised by Fox Chase Cancer Center.
  • Origin: Scid mice are mutant lines of C.B-17 mice. C.B-17 mice are homologous inbred lines of BALB/c mice. In addition to carrying the immunoglobulin heavy chain lg-lb allele from C57BL/Ka mice to BALB/c mice,
  • Introduction: it was cultivated by the National Institutes of health. Small size, fast growth and reproduction, convenient feeding and management, strong adaptability to the environment and resistance to diseases.
  • In 1926, the Rockfeller Institute of the United States introduced albino mice from Switzerland and bred Swiss mice [1].
  • Source: in 1948, Hauschka of the Institute of cancer research (ICR) in Philadelphia, USA, with the goal of high yield, selected and bred the Swiss mouse population bred by Rockfeller Institute to cultivate HA / ICR;
  • In 1913, bagg purchased the original albino mice from American businessman Ohio and bred them in groups. MacDowell began inbreeding in 1923 and reached 26 generations in 1932.
  • In 1973, C.W. Friis of Denmark found hairless mice with spontaneous mutation in BALB / C inbred mice. The mutant mice developed BALB / c-nu due to poor thymus development and lack of immune T cells.
  • Source: in 1921, little obtained C57BL by mating with Abby Lathrop mouse strain, female 57 and male 52. In 1937, two sublines C57BL / 6 and C57BL / 10 were isolated from C57BL. In 1985,