
Endocrine and nutritional disease models

Endocrine and nutritional disease models

Disease model

Modeling   approach

Animal strains


Type II diabetes rat model (T2DM-rat )

High   fat diet +STZ injection

SD/Wistar   rat

FBG ≥11.1mmol/L   or RBG≥16.7mmol/L

Type I diabetes rat model (T1DM-rat)

STZ   injection

SD/Wistar rat

FBG ≥11.1mmol/L   or RBG≥16.7mmol/L

Diabetic nephropathy rat model (DN-rat)

Left   kidney ligation +STZ injection

SD/Wistar   rat

RBG≥16.7mmol/L;UGLU≥+++;   UPRO≥20mg/L

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis rat model (NASH-rat)

High   fat diet

SD/Wistar   rat

ALT、AST   increased sigfificangtly; Liver histopathological changes

Diet Induced Obese rat model (DIO-rat)

High   fat diet

SD/Wistar   rat

Increased   body weight and adiposity, circulating glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride,   insulin, and leptin levels in DIO rats were significantly higher than those   in the lean controls

Induced Model of Systemic Lupus   Erythematosus (SLE)

Intraperitoneally   injected with pristane

BALB/c mouse

Severe   proteinuria and nephritis; Production of ANA and   anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm; production of IFNα and ß; T   cell, B cell changes; Renal histopathological observation

MRL/lpr systemic lupus erythematosus

Spontaneous   model

MRL/lpr mouse

Goiter rat model

oral   administration of propylthiouracil

SD/Wistar   rat

the   serum levels of T3 and T4 were decreased, TSH   were increased

TOPBIOTECH   can provide customized animal disease model services according to the needs   of customers

Case analysis   Type II diabetes rat model

Type II diabetes is increasing in prevalsence worldwide, and it is strongly associated with obesity and insulin resistance, as well as defects in pancreatic β-cell function and mass. Although the broad outlines of the disease etiology are known, many critical questions remain to be answered. In order to further elucidate the pathobiology of this disease, animal models mimicking the pathology of human type 2 diabetes are of great value.


Experimental animal information

Name   of animal model

Type II diabetes rat model

Species and strains of animal

SD rat

Gender of animal

Age of animal


Weight of animal



Compared with the control group, blood glucose increased, serum triglycerides (TG), cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (ldl-c), high-density lipoprotein (hdl-c), free fatty acid (FFA), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) increased, and insulin decreased significantly.The pancreatic and renal tissues showed different degrees of pathological changes.

Partial result display
